The Treehouse + The Cave

The Treehouse + The Cave: Bushwick Disruptions <body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: '\x3d9561264\x26blogName\x3dThe+Treehouse+%2B+The+Cave\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dBLACK\x26layoutType\x3dCLASSIC\x26searchRoot\x3d\x26blogLocale\x3den_US\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3d\x26vt\x3d9114408046534346811', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script>

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Bushwick Disruptions

Bushwick Disruptions - Small
Please view the full image as well.

This appeared yesterday opposite our building (a converted knitting factory that houses a couple hundred artists (think 248 McKibben or 950 Hart)).

I think the hand behind it is likely that of a fellow loft-dweller, and not a resident of the transforming industrial ghetto that surrounds us. Consequently, the exact meaning of this script is a little lost on me. One thing's certain however, this neighborhood has never had a higher saturation of white, young, creatives. This is a high water mark.

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