
Image by James M. Baker
These photos say it all! I'm here in Mexico right now and saw a huge sinkhole, which killed a few teenagers when their home fell into a sinkhole a few years ago. The hole isn't quite as big as this one, but in the heart of a city it was so devastating.
is it really awesome ......................... or an warning for future .....if this hole was 10k time larger than it is would it be awesome :O :-?
Great shots. I remember when a sink hole opened up near a highway in Sydney Australia. Scary stuff
These pictures are wonderful and I like all the pictures. Great sharing.
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I like your style, the fact that your site is a little bit different makes it so interesting, I get fed up of seeing same-old-same-old all of the time.
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a classic photo - looks like the late 60s style
what beaut alps !
nice pic without photoshop
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Cooolll postt !!!
Lovely blog. Thanks for sharing with us.
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