White Fireflies
Kyouei's Balloon Lamp is a simple and inspired object. Arguably just a latex lantern sans cord, the Balloon Lamp could become so much more. Modified with a Lithium-Coin battery, the illumination provided by the LED can last up to 100 hours. Now imagine substituting the breath used to fill its volume with helium. You'd have a floating, ghostly orb perfect for stringing around a pool during a summer party. Alternatively, (environmental concerns aside) I'd definitely want to see thousands of these set loose on a still night. White fireflies on a macro scale.
Via Sensory Impact
Related: AfroditiKrassa's World View Lamp which will be put on the market by Innermost.
no need to stop at white either, though i do appreciate the elegance in its simplicity. perhaps this will spark a new wave of night-balloon flying.
just don't perform the experiment during any major avian migratory seasons, MamaJama might get upset.
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