
Image by djwess
Actually, I don't think I see an image at all. It's more like a 3-D model that I can disassemble and reassemble. Something not all together different from a suped-up QuickTime VR.
The mixed six-pack floats lazily in my mind, easily rotated and examined. Once I've glanced at it for a moment, I can access all the information filed under it.
It's as though the image is a folder that I can invisibly double-click, revealing all the smells, sounds, images, and thoughts that I have associated with the visual proxy.
The image, the icon is a portal to my memories. A necessary pit-stop between the word bodega and my understanding of one.
The whole process takes a fraction of a second. In fact, I'm barely aware that I do it anymore.
call me crazy, but i think tylenol might be advertising to this community in hopes that they buy large quantities of their acetaminophen to perform suicide with.
seriously, right? kill two birds with one stone.
first, make a decent amount of money when the youth you are targeting buy 2-300 of your pills to try to kill themselves. its especially effective marketing when the kids who dont win the prize realize that not only have they lost the contest, but now they have no health insurance - basically rubbing it in that these kids live in a society with no social protection, support for the arts, or healthcare.
the capitalists in the room might now be jumping up and down saying, "why would any self respecting company try to kill their customers? it reduces future earning potential!"
hah! i say, i havent made my second point ----
----getting a few of these "liberal artist brat commies" who may one day vote democratic, or god forbid protest for health rights, to kill themselves only goes to further the strength of the already disgustingly stong drug lobby. destroy the opposition and make a buck! BRILLIANT!
you're frustrated by the censorship itself, but what about the form that censorship takes? his body imposed on hers? more specifically, his face on her breasts? the visual language of these two photographs constitutes the misogyny here, i'd say.
Blogging and the Arts
Tuesday, May 17, 2005, 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.Location:
Rhizome.org Director of Technology Francis Hwang will lead a panel discussion on Blogging and the Arts. This panel, the second in a series hosted by Rhizome.org, includes painter and web-artist Chris Ashley, painter Joy Garnett, artist and programmer Patrick May, and writer Liza Sabater. The discussion will address issues such as ways that artists are using blogs to distribute their own work, and the influence of blogging culture on political issues of interest to those in the arts.
New Museum of Contemporary Art / Chelsea
556 West 22nd StreetFounded in 1996, Rhizome.org is an internet-based platform for the global new media arts community. Through programs such as publications, online discussion, art commissions, and archiving, it supports the creation, presentation, discussion, and preservation of contemporary art using new technologies. Since 2003, Rhizome.org has been affiliated with the New Museum of Contemporary Art.
cause most people arent misanthrops and answer their phone calls.
dude, i do that all the time.
just answer the phone and say:
this is ______'s answering machine, please leave a message after the beep.
then you hit any button, which makes something of a beep, and then you just listen.
you'd be surprised how well it works.
good luck.
merkley's solution is elegant; my luck it's a mesage I don't want to respond to immediately but has an important number in it that I can't conveniently commit to memory or paper! i guess that's why he wished us luck.
i was listening to a local college radio station today, and someone was talking about this same issue. they mentioned this service: http://www.callwave.com/landing/corp_wam.asp
i thought it was coincidental being i just read this in your blog ... thought about it enough to make it stick ... and agreed wholeheartedly.
i don't know about the service personally, but too much of a coincidence to not post on the blog of a total stranger whose life i read about daily.
Magic mirror
Leon Russell
Standing by the highway suitcase by my side
No place I want to go, I just thought I'd catch a ride
Many people look my way and many pass me by
In moments of reflection, I wonder why
To the thieves I am a bandit,
the mothers think I'm a son
To the preachers I'm a sinner, Lord, I'm not the only one
To the sad ones I'm unhappy, the losers think I'm a fool
To the students I'm a teacher,
with the teachers I'm in school
To the hobos I'm imprisoned, by everything I own
To the soldiers I'm just someone else
who's dying to go home
The general sees a number. A politician's tool.
To my friends I'm just an equal in this whirlpool
Magic Mirror
Won't you tell me, please
Do I find myself in anyone I see
Magic Mirror
If we only could
Try to see ourselves as others would
To policemen I'm suspicious, it's in the way I look
I'm just another character to fingerprint and book
To the censor I'm pornography with no redeeming grace
To the hooker, I'm a customer without a face
And the sellers think I'm merchandise,
they'll have for a song
The left ones think I'm right.
The right ones think I'm wrong.
And many people come my way, and many pass me by
In my quiet reflection I wonder why
Magic Mirror
Won't you tell me, please
Do I find myself in anyone I see
Magic Mirror if we only could
Try to see ourselves as others would.
I'm in South Carolina at least once a year (Pawleys Island to be precise).
Should you ever find this (Google should help), please let me know. I'd love to catch up for a drink next time I'm at the shore.
I hope these years have treated you well.
My best,
I still have two miniature paintings by Steve Keene that were part of a show we did at H. Lewis about a thousand years ago (it seems). They, too, have followed me to so many apartments and now reside along the floor boards of my bathroom floor-for the moment, at least.
Funny how one simply cannot part with such things...
I remember that show, fondly. I think SK has set up shop just steps around the corner from my first NY apartment. Strange how small things are sometimes.
Nice! I remember opening up the gallery for he and his wife, who were two of the best artists we worked with. They were entirely low-pro, dropping down in a rented moving truck packed to the gills with those huge plaid, plastic shopping bags from Chinatown filled with paintings. Ahhh...MICA memories!
How do I bid on this? What will it cost me?
They are...and, you'll be happy to know, your sister is enjoying them too (you know she can't walk past fresh flowers without taking some). She filled a little cup that fits nicely in her car cup holder.
i love yr pics...everything about them.
the concrete kind of looks like a pack of birth control pills.....
Thanks for the props. Your thoughts are so appreciated.
I was trying to explain to a friend the other day, the nuances of my relationship with my stats; that I try to always remember that it's not about the number of eyes seeing my work, but rather the quality of eyes; that one real artist, one real critic, one real peer will always outweigh the armies of invisibles.
You are a welcome reminder of that truth.
If Hen were home, he'd tell you to play the lottery (or at least look for some associated number).
He's not. So just enjoy the fact that you don't idolize bathrooms like dad...
it's what bf skinner called "intermittent reinforcement".
ooh - and this is especially for andy - bf skinner did all of his research on....
Run piegeons, run, here comes andy....
You're the one who should run. He did much of his work training pigeons to...
...guide air-dropped munitions to their targets (so, watch out for my swarm of pigeon-brained smart bombs!).
The principle worked ridiculously well. In fact, the Coast Guard now uses pigeons mounted in bubbles under helicopters to help identify people lost as sea. The pigeons' ability to visually discriminate amongst crowded fields (like the frothy Atlantic) FAR exceeds our own.
Skinner also dabbled in brain washing and utopianism. Interesting chap.
i think this would cost at least $75 at nobu.
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