Image 1: Spirit World Central
Image 2: Spirit World Central
I posted to "orbs" before I saw this posting. One of these cameras has a colony of mold/bacteria growing inside it!
i think use of the term "house" is a stretch....
To adults and treehouse connoisseurs, I agree.
To the child who stole the wood to build it, it's a mansion, a fortress.
Is it because you let go of one as a small child and cried while watching it disappear (until we learned the value of tying it to your little wrist)?
you remind me of thoreau
Perhaps it's because they make visible the frontier on which contrary forces are in perfect balance -- a membrane between air under pressure trying to get out, and an atmosphere trying to keep it in. I feel the same way about soap bubbles.
you inspired me to take more pictures
i notice things like this
and wonder things like that
but i forget my camera all the time
and i am too lazy to type it all out sometimes
i will try harder
edna million
New meaning to...chill out.
Careful there...
given the ethanol and dissolved solute in the beer decrease the melting/freezing point, the beers are most probably chilled past the freezing point of water.
this makes me feel something.
So now it's known...this was written about you:
You walked into the party
Like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself gavotte
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner, and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you?
Just kiddin'
i always found having ice cream cones at home incredibly decadent, if not somehow inappropriate.
ice cream cones at home most certainly are not decadent when they're the only sweet thing at the shitbox bodega and you dont fill them before eating.
full ciggies.
I have that Hudson's Bay blanket too.. but mine is a fake. Still comfy and pretty, regardless!
exacto knives...carefully marked plastic boxes from the delivery man...butter and jam...mmmmm
evidence of addictions to physical comfort...
cookie sloman, my 5th grade teacher and jew extraordinaire, used purple to mark up her students' papers. although she did this for the sole reason that purple was her favorite color (she was one of those kind of teachers), i cant help but think she was somehow prescient as to the now-known evidence of the negative psychology of red pens.
wow. that's wild. i always forget about the fact that i am, well, basically always on a camera every time i go out.
i guess it'll become very clear when i get a knock at the door and they are arresting me for some terrorist shit because i've got dark skin and they have footage of me at an electronics store buying a new mouse and they use my blog in court. heh. AND this post.
i think i woke up on the wrong side of the bed. it's raining. booh.
p.s. hi guys.
I feel tht I understood prejudice for the first time when I became a "nigger." All it took was long hair and bell bottom jeans and I was immediately discriminated against and hasseled by authority figures. To think that carrying a camera is adequate to label one as subversive is something I thought we had left behind us. Sad commentary...
Who watches the images from the cameras? There must be a lot of video tape sold in the world these days!
who wrote: sue's cell? are you a leftie??
I did.
Though no, I'm not a lefty. Definitely right-brained, but also right handed.
I have two kinds of handwriting. One that's very plain and printy, I use that one alot at work, so my co-workers can read it. The other is more my hand-style. Curvy, and leanin' to the left. "Sue's Cell" has got a bit of both...
amazing flick link. i love words!
can you write something for me so i can put it on my blog? don't make it too mean though. like so poems about how i smell. maybe incorporate sloths or stuff of that nature.
hooooray! please pleaase please. it'll be an early birthday present!
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where's the grass?
Nice photo...and it looks so familiar. I love it when you take little pieces of us away with you.
dawn plows thru...niice.
true is god.
and by that i mean god is not true as in the truth but that true=god.
and by that, i mean trueboy is the ruler of the world.
ah, those bubbles you made with the little tubes of soft plastic. you put a glob at the end of what was essentially a coke straw and blew, sealed it up with your fingers and had a weak ball/strong bubble to play with for a few minutes. my dad would never let us get them at the grocery store bc he thought they were so toxic it was like condoning huffing.
i did the same thing today. except my tires were fully inflated and i was in downtown toronto. much of the same thing, though. i think i'm going to do it again today. a little ride through the market, down jammed city streets where bicycles move quicker than the cars but only slightly faster than the pedestrians.
bicycling's a great fix for a muddy mind. you can't help but feel at least a little bit better when the wind is blowing through your hair. so cinematic.
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heh. i posted the same comment three times by accident. stupid blogger. grrrrrr, i say! get haloscan (or is it not as pleasing for the lovely threehouse and the cave)...
these photos make think of summer evenings, when your skin is warm from being out in the sun all day and you feel happy and full.
Or, not so dull.
1. The NBA
2. Tits
3. Google Maps
4. Celebrity magazines
5. The teenage abstinence movement
Yes! Hott answers! Esp. the Clark/Richardson double-trouble.
oh man. all i want to do is be your best friend. it's ridiculous. we're going to coney island and take pictures and eat pizza and you will smile and you will mean it.
about spring and summer: i love to wear my smiles. okay? okay.
about cocaine: i feel the same way. also, coke in canada is cheaper and better. though perhaps that is not better, but worse. hrm.
about LES: you are so right. max fish. wahhh wahhhhhh. i'd rather vomit in my own mouth and swallow than spend three minutes there. (i wrote all about it sometime in february i think.)
the smiths: i'm with you there. and, i also highly dislike bob marley and brian wilson's 'smile'. yup. you heard me. fucking listening to music for fashion. so not-cool. NOBODY LIKES IT! nobody.
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ha ha. yeah miss heather i am talking about totonno's. i have never actually been there (or to coney island for that matter) - i've just heard about it. last trip to new york i did some lame-ass drinking-at-max-fish-hanging-out-with-oxycotin-taking-fools-who-either-live-in-LES-or-in-jamaica and the time before that i was staying at the plaza and eating $42 club sandwiches. and i want something nicer. i want something in between.
anyway, i am *totally* feeling your idea: let's leave andy and you and i will have a date!! lou reed and his entourage will be like, "we go to totonno's in hopes to see etienne and heather unnecessarily taking up 56482398754 tables all pushed together."
and maybe andy can do my laundry too...
oh, sorry, my brain interpreted it as whats hot now and i missed that it had to be within your circle of friends. im not really a hater anyways. am i?
who are you etienne?
I feel so loved to be included! Now I am under all this pressure to make my own fabulous list..
andy, get heather a d-a-n-g section of the g.d. blog right the fuck now!! seriously. i want it. i *need* it. also, sloths do rule. if you can find a picture of that cute/hilarious/genius cartoon please email it to me at etienneaida at gmail dot come. i'd love to see it.
in costa rica, i called all the men jefe and they loved me. heh heh.
and hipp-o, i'm just a new pup to the sewing circle. also, i have a guilty pleasure of your hates #3 and #4. actually i don't feel so guilty about #3. maps are fucking cool as sin. if i came across some money i would buy myself a really nice atlas but for now it's google maps.
and make it "notes from THE cavedweller" not "notes from a cavedweller."
heather: you are the. not a.
Hethr, shawly it shud be "looking for sloths. which are, hands" up, not "down"!
you know, for all your A-levels and your oxford and your cambridge, y'all are pretty clueless. "hands down" originated in the late 19th century as a modifier to describe a sure victory in horse racing, when the jockey is so far ahead, he can relax the reins and/or the whip and come over the line with his hands down.
"hands up", however, is an invention of the kind of 20th century hack screenwriter who eats tunafish from the can and lives in a seedy hollywood building he shares with washed up geriatric actresses and waitresses from the heartland, girls who haven't had a call-back in four years and can never go home again.
Um... Heather, I think he said hands up beacuse sloths hang. Their hands are up. Thanks for your signature academic/depressing take though.
Thanks Andy. Glad I didn't have to explain that one!
"Hands up" is in fact what the police say when they come to arrest the jockey who is clearly so far ahead that his horse must have been doped.
i've been reading this, and, um, i just want to let you all that heather wins.
hands down.
funny that you posted that.
i drew a heart on my palm last night with a sharpie. and in the lab today - with a bic pen - i wrote "two thoughts conceivably merging." who knows why. i should have taken photos.
i am not as deep as that photo though, clearly!
nothing has ever been as satifying as the grocery lists. seriously.
i am in love with you simply based on the fact that you just posted some.
andy my friend, i know nothing about these kinds of things. however i was looking up "345 eldert" on google cause i lived there and i miss it and i see i also went to mica probably at the same time you did.
congratulations on having your injoke be sweated by the new york times. i personally like it because it has the escher-print house-of-mirrors can't-even-talk-about-it hipness quotient of vice magazine but also kind of soft and self-mocking. and helpful too. we all need to know this stuff when we move out of bushwick to sheepshead bay and actually start being original.
just joking. i was always original. anwyay, feel free to drop a line. i am that refreshing non-ironic person everyone says they want to meet in their friendster profiles, except they don't know what to say to non-ironic people, really.
haha, toast. that's great.
#318, 2002-2003
MICA, 1998-1999
The tracers would be somewhat discontinuous and maybe not as well collimated. Sort of like the "tear along the dotted line" type of line.
Don't you think "Tearalong" would make a good name for a dotted lion? Then you could have a cartoon called "Tearalong-The
Dotted Lion."
I figured that a General Electric 7.62mm mini-gun (they fire at rates up to about 10,000 rounds per minute (166 rounds a second)) combined with a supply of only phosphorus bullets (normally the ratio is one tracer bullet to every 5-10 standard rounds) might be sufficient to create the illusion of a solid beam.
Don't think so?
Glad you're reading. I always knew there had to be Micans in 345. You were only in Bmore for a year? What major?
Collimation...I'm not sure about the tracer projectiles. I somehow doubt that they have the precise aerodynamics of the lethal projectiles. On the other hand, they wouldn't be much good for "tracing" unless they were somewhat accurate...
You're correct. The tracer bullets do fly a little differently than standard rounds. Gunners who use helicopter-mounted gatling guns, learn to aim the tracers just to the right or left of the target (depending on wind), knowing that the lethal rounds have a slightly more accurate trajectory.
Still, with only tracer bullets being used as ammunition, they should all fly the same. Or at least very similarly.
No, see, said bar would need to have toaster ovens that burn pictures into the toast--like the Hello Kitty model my mother graciously gave me for my bridal shower, infantilizing me to the death. It does rule though.
Once upon a time, Bob Elliot (father of actor Chris Elliot) and Ray Goulding were the hosts of a New York radio program which if you never heard of Bob & Ray is a little hard to describe.
They started in the 40s, and were hip and cult-popular enough to be selected as Saturday Nigh Live hosts in the early days of SNL. (http://www.radiohof.org/comedy/bobray.html)
Their show featured short comedy segments which included a running soap opera called "Mary Backstage, Noble Wife." And one of their regular mock-sponsors was a family restaurant called The House of Toast. Toast was all you could order, but you could decide whether to have it buttered "on the near side or the far side."
Those were the days...
There is a toast restaurant in Toronto, but I don't know if they are licensed to serve beer.... (it's a small place)
thats an interesting picture
thats an interesting comment
whys that, sporto?
Turns out the Google Map of Chas is pretty low res. If you want something better, take a look at TerraServer.
the weird thing is, from satellite photos, the projects look like the nicest places to live.
i love these! theyre the most economical stories i've ever heard. why aren't there more?
You should make one/some.
I think I might as well. The PostSecret project is not unlike the issue of Bonus that I had a piece in, so I think I'll address secrecy similarly.
I found my house and high school and elementary school in Toronto... it was weird and voyeuristic but coool!
Superb! Beautiful photos, beautiful layout.
Cool! Author the best! Thank you!
Internal lense reflections in a dirty camera.
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